Acclimatizing to High Altitude

Acclimating to High Altitude

  • Acclimatization refers to the process by which the human body adjusts to the reduced air pressure and resultant decreased oxygen levels at higher altitudes.
  • Legendary high altitude climbing pioneer, Charles Snead Houston (1930-2009) so eloquently stated: "There is an altitude frontier beyond which humans cannot become accustomed to oxygen lack, but the approach to that made possible by acclimatization-the process of becoming accustomed to an environment foreign to the organism."(15)

  • As altitude increases, pressure decreases (Pb=exp(6.6328 - 0.1112 h - 0.00149 h*2), where Pb is barometric pressure and h is the altitude in kM. Correspondingly, inspired PO2 concentrations decrease PI02=0.2094(Pb-47) where PI02 is the partial pressure of inspired 02 (14).
  • Although directly related, as shown above, it is the decreased PI02, not reduced barometric pressure, that reduces exercise performance and increases the risk of altitude sickness (14).
  • Other factors that can lower barometric pressure include colder temperatures and increasing distance from the equator, both common factors for tourists and athletes at altitude.

  • Acclimatization can take days or even weeks, depending on the altitude, and can be influenced by factors like individual health, hydration, proper nutrition/supplementation and genetics.

Athletic Performance at Altitude?

  • Athletic performance at high altitudes can be compromised due to reduced oxygen availability.
  • The lower oxygen levels lead to decreased aerobic output, hindering endurance activities like running, cycling, and skiing.
  • Athletes may experience decreased power output and increased fatigue.
  • Altitude training, which includes living and training at high altitudes, can help athletes adapt and potentially gain a competitive advantage when returning to lower altitudes.

Recovery at Altitude

  • Recovery at altitude can be challenging due to reduced oxygen availability, which affects the body's ability to repair and rebuild tissues.
  • Adequate rest, hydration, and proper nutrition/nutritional supplementation are crucial for promoting recovery at high altitudes.
  • Recovery strategies include techniques and supplements to minimize the effects of reduced oxygen levels and associated increased oxidative stress.

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)

  • AMS is a condition that can occur when ascending to high altitudes too quickly without giving the body sufficient time to acclimatize.
  • Symptoms of AMS can include headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and difficulty sleeping.
  • Severe cases of AMS can lead to high-altitude cerebral edema (HACE) and high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), which are life-threatening conditions.
  • If you experience symptoms of HACE or HAPE it is imperitive that you urgently seek medical care.

Oxidative Stress at Altitude

  • Oxidative stress occurs when there's an imbalance between free radicals and the body's ability to neutralize them, leading to cell damage.
  • Nutritional supplementation can help mitigate oxidative stress at high altitudes by neutralizing harmful free radicals.
  • Ensuring a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and other antioxidants can support the body's natural defense against oxidative stress.
  • Of note, it is well demonstrated by multiple peer reviewed research studies that supplementation with Vitamin C and E, considered to be inexpensive and readily available antioxidants DOES NOT enhance acclimatization, performance, or recovery at altitude. If your altitude supplements contain these ingredients, the manufacturer clearly did not do their research.